A Small Rant

“Created by someone no more human than you, and no less."
This is going to sound like a dumb thing to complain about, but I hate it when people moan about how "good" or "talented" I am. I don't mean good and honest compliments like "Wow, this thing you made is beautiful!" I mean things like, "Amy, why do you have to be so good at EVERYTHING? 😖" It's partially because I know I'm not good at "everything" and partially because I know that a lot of my "talent" comes from being totally immersed in the art world since I was old enough to hold a brush. I've spent 20+ years making things with my hands.
But most importantly, I hate it because "compliments" like that push me away from the person saying them. They're dehumanizing, in a way. "Amy, you are so different than me that I can't even relate to you!" "Amy, I am incapable of being as good at designing and making things as you are because you're obviously some kind of inhuman art-geni." "Amy, I am so threatened by the level of skill that you have already developed that I'm going to underhandedly mock you to make myself feel better!"
Guys, life isn't a competition. Instagram isn't a competition. Art isn't a competition. Life and art and even Instagram are supposed to be about connections. I share this stuff I make because I think it's beautiful and it makes me happy and I want you to experience beauty and be happy when you see it, too. Making this stuff doesn't make me better than you, it makes us both better together because it's something we share. In a way, this is your art too, because it's you who engages with it, thinks about it, feels things and makes connections that I couldn't have foreseen. We're all in this together. Let's treat each other that way. #humancreators