Obscenity Imitates Divinity

"That's an obscene amount of carving."
Maybe. But then, in my opinion, Obscenity Always Imitates Divinity. Lots of swears are direct references to God. Others to our bodies and our sexuality, both of which I think are sacred enough to be divine. Nudity is considered obscene in the same way.
"But wait, you think, there's nothing divine about sh--." Au contraire, my friend, when passing wastes, you are physically at your most vulnerable, and vulnerability of another type is THE prerequisite for approaching divinity. The ability to open yourself fully, no defenses, to what is greater than yourself. I might even say that vulnerability IS divinity.
"If all that stuff is so great, why do we use them as profanities instead of holding them sacred?" It's because divinity hurts. Too much light burns, and so we defend ourselves from sacredness by fouling it up. We mock it, so we can bear to be constantly surrounded by it. But we also draw it near. We come close, in our way, to summoning the divine with our imitations. Obscenity is screaming at someone you love because your relationship allowed them to hurt you. It's saying, "I am open and raw because of what you've said to me, divine one, and I must share it or I'll burn!"
"That's an obscene amount of carving!" "Thank you. I was open and raw because of what the divine said to me. I had to share it, lest I burned. 🔥"